Sunday, August 24, 2008

I want SANUK sandals....

summer to do list!

To do list

spend one day wandering without anyone knowing where i am
all nighter
spend time with all my friends
learn ultimate Frisbee
stay off the computer for 1(+) day(s) DONE
celebrate someone's birthday DONE
cook a meal
write on walls
walk down the middle of a busy street
go for a run in the dark
stargaze DONE (found the big dipper)
sleep under the stars DONE (OT & spooning )
meet new friends DONE

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The Aquabeat Waterproof MP3 Player from Speedo. I want one. It looks so cool and it'd be awesome to have one. I wonder which genius thought and designed this. It looks pretty cool yeah im jealous. i want one.. it comes in lime and pink and black

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I smell and I love it

Just got around to taking a run. Awesome. Should do it again soon